Exponents, so many things that you can do to make exponents so much more easier than usally. It can help you in many ways, it can also be difficult, it is more difficult the one thaat has the minus number. This will mean that it will be an exponent into a fraction, like if it was 3 then it has a exponent with a minus like -2 on top it will be 66 to of 100. It is like this because it cannot go to a negative, it doesn't go to a negative because it takes it to a fraction so it doesn't be all confusing to others. It is like that because it has a number on top of it, so then the top is divided to the bottom.
    It is like that because it can make it more easier other peole so that they won't be all cofused with all the hard work with the negatives. It will also help in life so it can be much easier for other people to work on, and it will also be more efficent to have it into a fraction, besides a negative.
 Exponents, who doesn't like this useful method, it is a faster way to multiply faster by not writing the same number times the same number and going on. That is why exponents is a faster way to multiply, like if you have four twos, you just put two exponent four, and mulltiply which is 16. So using exponents is such a easier way to get a answer so much faster. It can even help you in life by going real quick multiplying, if you have the same foods 5 times, you just write it the number of cash, exponented to 5 and you will get the answer so much faster than usaul.
 Exponents can also be very confusing by not knowing what numbers to use, like if it is a number exponented, you will want to write the number times the exponents. Exponents can be very confusing in many ways, but if know how to use the exponen