The frog dissection actually gave me an experience of what they do in surgery. I think the surgery really helped me know what to do for a surgery because they have all these parts helped me know how to get the parts that I was supposed to look at. By looking at all the parts, it gave me a clue on how it will be in a surgery process.
        Now for the next time that I want to do surgery I would be a little prepared for what is coming. It also helped because they told us where to cut, and how to cut, because you just cut like whatever, you can mess up and hurt it. So now I know a little about how to do the surgery.
When we went to the zoo, we found out that the Blue Duiker was smaller than we imaged. In a picture it would look small, but also big, but when you see it in real life, in a closer view, it looks smaller than you would imagen. It also found out new information, like that the blue Duiker would occasionally eat birds, that was a diet information that we did not find out. The is Blue Duiker is really amazing in real life, I thought that they were going to do more action but it didn't.
       At first when we got to its station, I couldn't find it, just until when I saw the Blue Duiker was under a plant leaf. It wasn't the small small plants, it is like the big leaves that come from the ground. The Blue Duiker was really amazing. I have never seen something like that, it was like a dog mixed wit a deer.
Fossils in Antarctica are really amazing because how come they just how could they survive in Antarctica. It is because their was this one big continent called Pangaea, it was near the equator so it was pretty warm, then as years past, it was drifting somewhere else, and now it is their location now. Their are also so many other reasons why their are still fossils in Antarctica It could also be that because of global warming.
       With global warming it helped the fossils to still survive in Antarctica. The things that helped the fossils survive was because they use to be on one big continent. It can also be because of global warming, their can be so many things to why their are still fossils in Antarctica. 
The Blue Duiker is not really a blue animal, it is just a name for it, the Blue Duiker looks very much like a deer, but smaller. They mostly live in central of Africa, a unique fact about the Blue Duiker is that they would follow monkeys so that they can get their food. The Blue Duiker are still in big groups though, they are not really an animal to be worried about because they are still plenty of Blue Duikers still alive.
     Blue Duiker would mostly live in dense forests in Africa, they look like a small animal, but also big, like a dog. The Blue Duiker would also have a diet to eat.The Blue Duiker is an amazing animal, so next time you go to the zoo, check out the Blue Duiker.
For Quizlet, it can help out with any vocabulary that you need, like you you want  memorize a vocabulary, Quizlet can help out with that.  A thing that you will have to do is you must write the word, then write the definition of the word, but if it is a long definition, you can just auto-define, then it will take you to many options. Quizlet can help by doing games, and tests if you want to memorize the vocabulary.
     Quizlet is a fun and helpful tool, Quizlet can help you increase your vocabulary if you need to. Quizet is just an easy process, even to find the definition. I forgot to mention also that if you just want to see the word only you ca, if you just want to see the definition first you can, and also you you want to see both you can.
It is the most important thing that happened in scientific history because without this we would have never figured how it works. To make the structure of DNA Rosalind Franklin found out DNA would work, but helpers of her helped her find how the structure works, they knew it looked like a twisted ladder, with this they found out how the structure could work.
   Also, Crick also found out what a DNA had, without this information, they could have never known how a structure could work. Rosalind Franklin also used a graphic that makes it looks 3D. The structure of DNA was a helpful thing in science history, without out it we could have never found things about DNA.
There are so many things why the moth population is decreasing, they would get eaten a lot by birds, but sometimes their appearence can help a lot. If they have a light color, the color would be matching the daylight ground, and would not be eaten. If it had a dark color, it would help in the dark forest, ad would get less eaten. The is always a difference between light and dark moths, but their is only one way that can helped them, and that is only by the day, and place they are.
The paper pet family can help you understand about genetic traits, it can help you by knowing what traits the parents by give to a child. It can help by knowing which eye color it might also help which kind of dark hair it might even know which gender it might have . This was a useful tool in many ways, it can also helped which genetics traits. It is also easy because we would have spinned a penny so that it can determined what is what.
Punnet squares can be useful in many ways, it can be an easier method to determine what the traits of someone, or something. It is not that hard to find out what traits it would be, you would just have to go up and down, side to side to figure out the trait. The punnet square can be a useful tool to find the traits, also determine the possible traits.
   The punnet squares can help so that it can determine which type of things that it can get, like it show all the possibilities of what kind of traits that it will get. The punnet square is really easy, it is just the possibilities of what would the kid have
Their is so many ways to make a DNA structure, but the easiest would probably be tout of Lego blocks. With these blocks it can be used to make it to look like a ladder that is twisted, it would be easy because it can be built then twisted. The is also many ways to make a DNA structure by also using beeds, it will just take many steps to do this type of DNA structure.
   You can a string and bees ,then just do step by step, make to a ladder, and just twist it. It is really easy process, their is not much to it, just to know how to make it.