Their is so many ways to make a DNA structure, but the easiest would probably be tout of Lego blocks. With these blocks it can be used to make it to look like a ladder that is twisted, it would be easy because it can be built then twisted. The is also many ways to make a DNA structure by also using beeds, it will just take many steps to do this type of DNA structure.
   You can a string and bees ,then just do step by step, make to a ladder, and just twist it. It is really easy process, their is not much to it, just to know how to make it.
Their was a lot of information about Santa Claus, who doesn't like Santa Claus, Santa is an amazing thing that little kids would love to enjoy. Santa Claus has done amazing things, one thing he has done was deliver presents to all the children in the world, but what is the physical of Santa Claus. He has done so outstanding things, like go to people's houses and give the kids their presents, but he has done physical things all ready.
    Their are also some things that Santa Claus can't do, like how could the reindeer fly, the would have to use a lot of magic powder. Also if they were going to land it will have to be very quiet, but they are suppose to be huge and really really quiet to land. So nobody really knows if he is real or not.
Their has been many struggles that I had in science, their were also easy things to do, but a difficult for me would probably be the test in science. Their would be easy questions that I could answer, but their are also have really hard questions to answer. Their has been other struggling things, like having to do was making a DNA out of be be.