The mitosis has so many fasinating things that it can do so many things to a cell, it will divide into the same copy of its DNA. It will also have some lymosomes t do this, with also it can help so many things in cells, it will have so many fasinating to do this. The mitosis is a important thing for cells, it if it had to make a a duplicate of a cell, it was going to have to use the mitosis to make that duplicate of the living cell. The mitosis can help do so many things for the cell so that it can function. To have the living cell needs to make a dulpicate it will have to use the mitosis.

 There is so many ways how a DNA makes a copy, it has so many phrases that could make a DNA, it will also have many function to make this copy. All the phrases that are the to make the copy is interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and the daughter cells. When it makes the copy, it is during the the prophase, it will make the copy so that it can make the daughter cells. If it didn't make the copy their would be no daughter cells.
       In this function it will have so many function it will have to work to make the copy of the DNA. To make this DNA it will have the DNA copy, then it will begin to split down the middle, when this is done it will be complet
 The structure of the DNA is very complex, it has many things in it, but the person that gets the most credit is probably is Rosalind Franklin. She was the one that helped make the structure of the DNA, the structure of the DNA was made by having a x-ray project the screen. With this it helped find the real structure of the DNA, they founded that the DNA is like a twisted ladder, with this use, it helped find many good information on DNA.
     They founded so many interesting information on the DNA, they founded that it will have a double helix. They have founded so many useful information on DNA, they even founded that a base is between the thymine and cytosis.