The best cell would probaly be the animal cell because it has a better function of a cell, this cell has many important parts for the animal cell. The animal cell doesn't have a cell wall, but with the cell membrane it helps work better than a plant cell. The animal cell can work a lot better than a plant cell in so many ways, it can work faster, it can hae a better funtion than the plant cell, and their is so many ways why the animal cell is way better than a plant cell.
 The plant cell only has a little bit of parts to help funtion the cell, but with the animal cell it has many funtions so it can work better and faster than a plant cell. Their is so many things why a animal cell could be better than a anim
The rat's growth can be very big or small, their can be many sizes a rat can grow to, small or big in can be very different. It will start very small, but when you wait for just 4 weeks it can grow to a big size. It will start as a color pink, it will start to grow fur and be bigger and bigger. The mom is the hardest worker to do, it will take of their babies, it is able to grow really big to other sizes. The dad would try to find food or go out to find something to do, they coulld turn out to be really big, in their week 2 they can big enough so they won't drink out of the mom.
 In their week four they can be big enough to find their own food so they could know how to be on their own. Their can be so many fasinated thi
 The most favorite activity was the  It's Alive project because it grew big. Every day we go to that in the science lab we have to do It's Alive, it started by being small body part, then we would have put it in water so it can grow. It will grow every time, and it will also change the lenght and the mass. So every time the mass will grow, and on the weekends the mass will grow every time by at least 10. During a day it will grow 5, and the lenght will grow big also.
We have been learning many things in science, we have been learning about the safety rules and instructions. We've learned about the volume and solids in science class. I learned all the emergency exits and things in science, whenever there is an experiment we have to put safety glasses or goggles. The difficulties in science were the experiments in class, an experiment we did was finding the volume of a beaker, a flask, and graduted cylinder. We had took many quizzes and tests, some are difficult, but many are really easy. The thing I like most of science is all the fun experiment in the class.
    We learned that we have to wash our hands if it gets acid on our hands for 15 minutes, if it gets on places we can't reach, we have we would have to wash ourself on the shower for 15 mintues. If acid gets near our eyes we would have to wash it with the eye washer, you would have to wash your eyes and opened for 15 minutes.They would be many cool and learning experinences in science!




To find a volume has many ways to get a volume, to find the volume of an irregular shape is different though. To find the volume of an irregular shape is that you have to find the lenght of it, then find the width of the shape, once you find the width you have to find the height of it. After you are all done with this you have to multiply the lenght times the width times the height, you can just use width times lenght times height. You can use this method every time you try to find the volume of the irregular shape, that is how you find a irregular shape.
I have so many similar things with my parents, I have the blood of both of my parents. We all the similar blood, and even with my brother and two sisters. I think I have the eyes of my mom, when two parents  reproduce a child it will give them the blood of my mom and my dad. We also might have the blood from my grandpa or grandma, even great grandparents. Their is so many simlar things that family and I have in common, we can have each others eyes, hair, or color. I also have the hair of my dad, I could also my parents birthmark, the possiblities can be endless.




Cells are the smallest thing in a body's organism, it works  your whole body. It can help your heart pump so it can work properly, without it, it wouldn't work good. That is my cells is one of the most important thing in your body. It has many cells in your body, it needs every cell in your body work more properly. Cells could also break down food so it can save more energy in your body. A cell has many layers inside, to the outside of the cell to the core of the cells. A cell mostly controls your whole body and heart.